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Digital Signatures

Go Paperless and Save On Time, Effort, and Cost

In today’s technology-driven world, we all establish our identities online, but what about its verification or authentication? Here comes Digital Signature, which has become an essential feature for every industry and is rapidly being adopted in everyday use – to sign documents.

Importance of Digital Signature

At a basic level, Digital Signature supports contracts, NDAs, agreements, and documents where signatures are required. It is a secure way to guard these documents from access by the unknown beneficiaries. Using algorithms and cryptographic methods, it secures the document with maximum safety measures, helps validate the signer of a document and ensure its original content remains unchanged.


Digital signatures are encrypted and hence highly secure. They cannot be tampered with or forged, and authorities can quickly validate the signatures for authenticity. This makes them ideal for securing sensitive and critical information and documents.


Agreements, contracts, and other critical business documents can be digitally signed at the click of a button, saving time, and increasing team efficiency and productivity.

Legal and Universal

Digital signatures are accepted in the court of law across the globe. They help enterprises meet compliance requirements and facilitates record management.

Digital Signature and ServitiumCRM

ServitiumCRM brings digital signature integration to help Enterprises save time and boost the productivity of their service teams and internal processes. They can sign and approve documents faster than ever from within ServitiumCRM without using any additional application.

Why do Service Teams need to adopt digital signatures?

At present, the Service center generates invoices through the CRM. These invoices must be printed out, signed/stamped, and then dispatched to the recipients through courier, which is a separate cost for the organization. This whole process is laborious, time-consuming, and wastes paper in printing.

Adopting digital signatures for all official documents can help optimize daily processes and empower service teams. Routine, time-consuming tasks can be wrapped-up in minutes, and sensitive information can be safeguarded with digitalization.

Integrating Digital Signatures in Your Services Processes

Digital Signature integration with ServitiumCRM helps the service centre team and brands in executing hassle-free service operations. This is purely an API-based Integration that allows to auto-populate data from CRM in a prescribed format and processes it to get digital signature on it. Once documents are signed, it enables you to access your documents through CRM.
This can be a significant time-saving activity where you can automize this operation either by making all your documents available under one window or schedule an auto-mailer to send all the documents to an entitled person’s email address.

  • Document signing is seamlessly integrated with ServitiumCRM

  • Authorized personnel will be permitted to sign any documents via DSC (USB token-based) and Aadhar based.

  • Unsigned PDF documents will communicate with a signature server and signed PDFs will be available in ServitiumCRM immediately.

  • There is no limit to the number of documents that can be signed.


Besides the security benefits of digital signature, there are several more reasons why you should get digital signature integration right away:
Digital Signatures Integration
  • Speeds up the performance and efficiency of the organization.

  • Improves sharing, tracking, and archiving of official documents with digitalization.

  • Significantly reduces the risk of fraud and document theft.

  • Provides legal assurance and simplify compliance/audit.

  • Saves time and money.