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Retailer Mobile App

Retailers are instrumental in delivering exceptional service experiences. Our Mobile App offers a comprehensive platform for retailer and retailers to ease their administrative, service, and sales needs. Retailer can directly register the complaints or service requests on the behalf of the customers. They directly upload the customer information and enable OEMs to provide on-time customer service.

CRM for Retail Industry
Retailer Administration

Retailers can evaluate the daily performance of their sales team. They can create and manage individual salespersons, create user profiles, get OEM approvals for the same, and much more.

Customer Service Focus

Through the mobile app, retailers can register customer complaints and service requests for owned inventory. They can easily manage their customer’s service issues, keep a tab of pending service calls, view closure details of calls, as well as remain in touch with their customers.

Tertiary Sales Registration

The Retailer Mobile App also helps in registering a new sale as well as submitting customer information for a purchased product. Retailers can also approve demo or installation requests. They also get notifications for new schemes and product launches enabling the retailers to cross or up-sell to their registered customers.

Features of Retailer Mobile App

Built-in bar code scanning feature

Complete visibility of the actual sales

Product information as well as view of service history

Supports English and Hindi language

Available for download from Google Play Store

Retailer Mobile App

Benefits of Retailer Mobile App

  • Available 24X7, 365 days

  • Evaluate the performance of every salesperson

  • Cross-sell and upsell

  • Improve customer relationship

  • OEMs can minimize call center costs

  • Increase AMC registrations

CRM for Retail Industry